Thursday, August 4, 2011

Creative Writing Oldies but Goodies!

I do enjoy trying my hand at creative writing from time to time as well as the fine arts. Here are 2 shorts I did a while back. Enjoy

*Some language not intended for children.


1) Super Powers


if i could have super powers...

                           I would want to FLY!

                                                      i wanna be invisible...
Frack'n Laser Beams!

"eff you" Super Powers!
                     U wanna know what Super Powers are?
Not getting FRIGG'N sun burned...ever
                                                                                       that is super.
Or better yet... waking up each day and loving the person that you see in the mirror and not just the reflection.
                           Maybe it's finding someone that you completely relate to and sharing a moment.

 or simply doing what is right everyday instead of what you want.

or maybe it's just not get'n sun burned.

whatever... stop wishing and be super.

by crash
2) Sleep

    1. A natural periodic state of rest for the mind and body, in which the eyes usually close and consciousness is completely or partially lost, so that there is a decrease in bodily movement and responsiveness to external stimuli. During sleep the brain in humans and other mammals undergoes a characteristic cycle of brain-wave activity that includes intervals of dreaming.
...dreaming... pffft the lack of sleep makes me feel like I am dreaming with my eyes open or like the volume has been turned way down and i live in my own bubble. 1 day.. 2 days go by until my eyes burn like there is jalapeno pepper JUICE in my retinas and then I sleep for what feels like forever only to wake up and not know what damn 
day it is...

I love college.

by crash

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