Sudoku by Verizon/Ultimate Sudoku - Superscape/Glu
This was the early themed game. Test showcasing how Sudoku board would appear.
Sudoku by Verizon/Ultimate Sudoku - Superscape/Glu
The theme became more clean and utilized Verizon branding. Test showcasing how Sudoku board would appear.
Sushi Shuffle 3D - Superscape/Glu
This was the "game over" cut scene if your sushi bar was to fill up with unhappy penguin customers.
Sushi Shuffle 3D - Superscape/Glu
This was a voting game, where players could vote on and view leading sushi bars in their area directly in game.
Here are various 2D Vector and Pixel animations commissioned by different clients
Frankenstein Vector |
Created for S.C.R.A.P.S. for Amplified Games |